Reactive Programming with Swift. Cecil Costa

Reactive Programming with Swift

ISBN: 9781785884269 | 178 pages | 5 Mb

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Reactive Programming with Swift Cecil Costa
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited

El próximo miércoles tenemos al gran Ricardo Sánchez (@foolonhill) con la charla "(Functional) Reactive Programming in Swift". We were building a new app in a new language using a non-Swift framework for functional reactive programming. Reactive Programming with Swift [Cecil Costa] on Reactive-programming-in-your-swift-apps. I'm going to be talking to you today about ReactiveCocoa and Swift, and Put the two together and you get Functional Reactive Programming. Blocked Unblock Pending Cancel. My journey with reactive programming in Swift — and the iOS app that came out of it. Therefore I decided a general talk on functional reactive programming, with ReactiveCocoa examples would be a great place to go. As I'm writing this, Apple's new programming language Swift has a framework for doing functional reactive programming (FRP) in Cocoa. Functional Reactive Programming + Swift = Awesome with @ashfurrow. Please feel free to post your comments about this book below! ReactiveCocoa made Simple with Swift! Steps to upgrade an iOS app to use ReactiveCocoa 4.0 and Swift 2.0. Books that introduces the developer to the Reactive Functional Programming in Swift (with ReactiveCocoa). *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

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