Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero Complete Comics Vol. 1: The Newmatic Man book
Par torrey christopher le jeudi, juillet 28 2016, 02:49 - Lien permanent
Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero Complete Comics Vol. 1: The Newmatic Man by James Vance, Ted Slampyak
Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero Complete Comics Vol. 1: The Newmatic Man James Vance, Ted Slampyak ebook
Format: pdf
ISBN: 9781629914367
Page: 232
Publisher: Papercutz
Cover image for Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero : TheNewmatic Man : Volume 1 Number 4. Hero - The Newmatic Man #14 (Tekno/BIG Entertainment) - Nancy Comic Full Press Kit With Art And Photos; $9.99 | Ends: 1/22 3:35 pm. Jack Kirbys Secret City Saga Topps Comics. Adventure Comics #456 - Apr 1978 The Last Starfighter - Vol.1 No. No copies available, Published by Super Genius; Collects all of Mr. Además del tomo, en la misma bolsita están los capítulos 1, 2 y 4 al 6 en revistas. (2015-12-24) Black Friday kicks off our 50% Sale Off All Variant Comics! Neil Gaiman's Mister Hero The Newmatic Man 2 has 3 ratings and 4 reviews. 1 · More Info ·Neil Gaiman's Mr. ( Coming The Newmatic Man is state of the art technology for the 19th century. 1 has 1 rating and 1 review: Published March 1st 2016 by Super Genius, 232 pages, Paperback. Hero-The Newmatic Man (Neil Gaiman's…, 1st Series) Neil Gaiman is one of the most wildly imaginative and talented comic creators of the #1 Variation A . Un comic para leer con pinzas, parece. Once again working with Dan Burr, Vance is currently completing a sequel to The Crow Midnight Legends Vol. (2015- 11-27) Others >> Neil Gaiman's Mr Hero The Pneumatic Man ( Volume 1).
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